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Maki Hasegawa è pittrice e illustratrice e vive e lavora a Milano. Utilizza tecnica mista tra pittura dell’acquerello, matite colorate, pastelli. Vedete le pagine riempite di colori, espressioni, linee che creano atmosfera sognante. Il lettore girerà le pagine molto lentamente, per scoprire il libro. Piccoli dettagli, tanti diversi colori, espressioni dei personaggi, il mondo poetico, la sensazione del momento di calma. Tra i libri che ha illustrati ci sono :A casa dell’ape ( In the house of bee) 2018 by Kira Kira Edizioni, Yukie e l’orso ( Yukie and the bear) 2020 by Kira Kira Edizioni, L’arboscello ( A poem of Umberto Saba ) 2021 by Einaudi Ragazzi, Cinque Minuti ( Five minutes ) 2022 by Editrice Il Castoro.

Maki Hasegawa is a painter and illustrator living and working in Milan, Italy. She uses mixed techniques with watercolour paintings, coloured pencils and pastels. You’ll see the pages filled with colours, expressions, lines that create a soft and dreamy atmosphere. The reader will turn the pages so slowly to discover the  book. Little details, many different colours, expressions of the characters, the poetic world, feeling of calming moment. Among the books she has illustrated there are : A casa dell’ape ( In the house of bee) 2018 by Kira Kira Edizioni, Yukie e l’orso ( Yukie and the bear) 2020 by Kira Kira Edizioni, L’arboscello ( A poem of Umberto Saba ) 2021 by Einaudi Ragazzi, Cinque Minuti ( Five minutes ) 2022 by Editrice Il Castoro.

長谷川 真樹

ミラノ、イタリアにて絵本を描く画家です。水彩、色鉛筆やパステルを交えた技法で、色とりどりの絵、ライン、表情に満ちた柔らかな夢見心地のページを創ります。読者はゆっくりとページをめくりながら、絵本の伝える詩的な世界、色彩、その中の小さなものたち、登場人物の表情を発見してゆきます。出版されている主な絵本はこちらでご覧いただけます。A casa dell’ape ( In the house of bee) 2018 by Kira Kira Edizioni, Yukie e l’orso ( Yukie and the bear) 2020 by Kira Kira Edizioni, L’arboscello ( A poem of Umberto Saba ) 2021 by Einaudi Ragazzi, Cinque Minuti ( Five minutes ) 2022 by Editrice Il Castoro.

Personal exhibitions 個展

2016 December- Dieci notti di sogni – racconti notturni ( Ten nights of dreams – night stories ) at Galleria d’arte San Francesco Reggio Emilia

2019 March – “Ti voglio bene, me” at Galleria d’arte San Francesco Reggio Emilia

2019 September – “Ti voglio bene, me” at Ciasmo, Milano

2022 February – ” Yukie e l’orso ” original illustrations at Galleria D’arte San Francesco, Reggio Emilia

Picturebooks 絵本

2018 ” A casa dell’ape ” from kira kira edizioni text by Alice Keller

2019 Illustration for “Il giornale dei gatti” in the book “100 Gianni Rodari” from Edizioni EL

2020 ” Yukie e l’orso ” from kira kira edizioni text by Alice Keller

2021 “L’arboscello” by Umberto Saba from Einaudi ragazzi

2021 ” L’ultimo merlo ” by Gianni Rodari in “Ambiente Rodari” from Einaudi ragazzi

2022 ”Cinque Minuti” by Sara Piazza from Editrice Il Castoro

Collaborations コラボレーション

2016 June Lahar Magazine #29 -Accidia : illustration on online magazine

2016 July Collaboration with Sneakers the Corgi for Mini Message note cards set with watercolour Corgi illustration

2016 August Lahar Magazine #30-Superbia :Illustration on paper poster magazine

2016 November Lahar Magazine #31-Punk : Illustration on online magazine

2016 Papyrus Greetings – a painting for a project of wedding card

2017 Red Magazine UK – Illustration for the horoscope star Taurus

2017 Fabric painting project with Confezioni Paradiso for a collection ” The Secret Garden”

2017 Papyrus Greetings – a painting for a project of new baby card

2017 Dutch Flow Magazine Issue 5 – an illustration “Reading in the forest”

2018 Flow Magazione The Book for Paper Lovers for the cover of travel journal notebook

2021 Baby birth announcement cards for Kleine Kameleon

Shops where you can find something of my creations

Milano – Ciasmo Via della Commenda 28, Milano

Please feel free to write to me for commissions  :

Instagram Account : Abstractales